Saturday, June 16, 2012

Youtube Tool for Google Chrome : Web Store - Zazoo

Zazoo: Get Detailed Song & Artist Info
For YouTube Songs

One of the many things YouTube is used for is
listening to music. There are countless music
videos on the site that people listen to ever
day. But when somebody listens to the song and they need to check up on the song’s lyrics, they need to exit YouTube and visit some other website. The same applies for checking the artist’s bio, news, pictures, Twitter feed, etc. What would be really helpful is for you to have access to all this information from within YouTube. A tool called “Zazoo” helps you do this.

Zazoo is a free to use browser tool that helps
music lovers get all the artist information
relevant to a song they are listening to on
YouTube. The tool works as a browser extension
that is compatible with Google Chrome. With
the extension installed, you find a new small
window that appears to the right of your music
video in YouTube. Through this window you can
check out the song’s lyrics simply by clicking
on the ‘Lyrics’ button. You will find that
the lyrics to most songs are available in the
window; for songs where the lyrics are
unavailable, you can request the extension to
add lyrics for the song soon.

Get this Tool here :
Chrome Web Store - Zazoo

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